Sunday, September 6, 2009

The biggest social event of the year

The Malibu Kiwanis Club Chili Cook Off. I kid you not!

Opening night. Seen from The aprking lot of the Country Mart after we had dinner at Taverna Tony's.


  1. I find your blog very inspirational and your eye for design is appreciated.

    I would love to do a BLOG BANNER EXCHANGE if you are interested!

    I would L O V E if you took a look at my design blog:

    D E S I G N L O V E F E S T

    B R I

  2. Oh man I love chili. And miss it.

  3. looks like really a big event
    as i can see lots of fun rides too!

    p.s thanks for adding me, i just added you to my
    blogroll too!

  4. you and the hubby...cute pic!
    i love chili. we have a cook-off here at one of the local restaurant/bars. the owner is american and he has a cook-off every july 4th. i had chili with chocolate (not sweet) there'd never have guessed it had chocolate!
    and hey, i'll have to look for that fragrance called "child" you mentioned on my blog...sounds like it's tricky to find, rather like serge lutens line.

  5. I think we would die to live in Malibu!

  6. love chili...and malibu!!!
